Thursday, January 6, 2011

Young Authors and Illustrators Conference 2011

Calling all young authors!

Central Texas Reading Council and the Harker Heights Public Library present the
Young Authors and Illustrators Conference

Date: Saturday, February 5, 2011

Time and Place: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Parker Academic Center – University of Mary-Hardin Baylor, on Pearl Street just off of Hwy 317 (one block west). Directions: Turn in the main campus entrance; PAC is the first building on the right.

Students in grades 1 – 12, parents and teachers are invited to attend this day long conference. Students in grades 1 and 2 MUST be accompanied by an adult chaperone, but chaperones and other adults are welcome to attend with children at no charge.

$30.00 per child; $20.00 for additional children in the same household.
$20.00 per child for groups of 10 or more.
No cost for chaperones of children.
$30.00 for adults who are not volunteering and who do not have a child to chaperone.
$10.00 for a T-shirt.

For student participants: complete the registration form, medical release and parental/guardian waiver.

For adult participants: complete the registration form.

Each student participant and adult participant (who is not accompanying a child) must complete separate forms.

Registration deadline is Friday, January 28, 2011.

Return Registration:
Central Texas Reading Council
P.O. Box 3195
Harker Heights, TX 76548-3195
OR turn in your forms at the Harker Heights Public Library.

What You Can Expect All Day:
Each participant will enjoy two large group assemblies with entertaining authors, illustrators and performers, one smaller group session with one author or illustrator, and three workshops on various topics.

Author and workshop sessions will be assigned on a first come first serve basis based on space and time availability.

Bring a sack lunch. Snacks will be provided during the final session.

On-line Anthology:
If you wish to be published in this year’s anthology, you may submit a piece of work electronically or by hand. Upon receipt of your registration form, you will be sent registration confirmation, a brief biographical form to complete and directions for submitting electronically and/or by hand on the day of the event.